Book Update

I started this as a Facebook status, but then realized I have a lot to say, so I just made this blog post instead.

I checked my Goodreads account and found out that I finished 7 books in the last 3 months. It's probably the fastest I've read since a long time ago, but somehow my to-read pile is still growing. I'm now at 46 books, and 2 more are coming. I blame James Patterson and his insanely fast book releases. I think he has a new book every month now. I still remember when I first discovered him when I was still a college student (11 years ago!). I vowed to buy all his books and collect them. Back then he releases once a year. When I graduated and found a job, my salary wasn't that much but I started saving up money to be able to buy his books. It was probably around this time (2004?) that he started to release 2 books in a year. I think I was able to catch up to him, having almost all his books. But then around 2010 he became crazy and started releasing books like a maniac. One could argue that it's easier to release a book if you have co-authors, but still... I haven't read any interviews yet on how he and his co-authors divide a book up. How much does he write still? I think he still solely writes the Alex Cross series since he doesn't share credit on those books. What about the others though? How much of a book is really "his"? If an idea is his, can he just stamp his name on the front cover and claim it as his own?

I shouldn't blame the author though. I know his fans clamored for him to write faster ten years ago, and us fans got our wish, if only in a nightmarish way. And of course I haven't been a very fast reader the past couple of years, what with all the TV shows I download and watch. (I'll probably post about it on a later date).

Anyway, thanks to Goodreads, at least I can keep track on what I've read and what books I own, which is useful in reminding me whenever I visit bookstores if I already have a certain book.

This is the breakdown of my books in Goodreads. It's probably not everything, I may have about 10 books not listed on it. (Said books were from my brother's officemate who left the country and gave him the books because I think he mentioned that I collect them.)

All: 210
Read: 162
Currently Reading: 2
To-read: 46

I'm currently reading Fractured by Karin Slaughter (a hardbound book that I bought for only 50 pesos 2 years ago), and Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson (an ebook I read from my iPad when I have the time). Slaughter's book is very good, I only started a yesterday and I only have 100 pages left. I might have a new series that I'll start collecting. The Steve Jobs books is ok but I only read it when I remember to. I want to buy the hardbound book but I still find it too expensive.

So there! Hopefully I can keep up my current reading speed and maybe trim down my to-read pile to around 20 books before the year ends.


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