It's been almost 6 months since last I posted on my blog, and a lot has happened. This is probably the worst year of my life. When I made my post in January, I didn't know that my life will be changed so much. My mom died. There's a superstition that how you started the year will determine your fortune for the rest of the year. New Year's Day 2013 wasn't exactly a bad one, but it wasn't as exciting as it was before. My mom wasn't feeling too well then. She felt nauseated a lot of times, puking in the bathroom at least once a day. At this point she's lost some weight. I don't know why we never considered it a serious illness. We thought she was just having her usual ulcer attacks. It didn't help that my client was delayed in paying my salary, so I couldn't ask her to go to the hospital to have herself checked. She knew my money situation too, and since I supported my parents since I started working 9 years ago, she probably felt that it wo...