
Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas 2012

This 4-day Christmas weekend flew by so fast! If it were just a regular 2-day weekend then I would seriously be pissed off. It's like I lost some memory of what happened the past 4 days. Good thing I have my Facebook to check on what I did. Saturday, December 22: I watched - Season 5 Episode 10 of Fringe, The Queen of Versailles (Documentary), and Frankenweenie. I pinned some images to my Dream Home board in Pinterest. Sunday, December 23: I watched - Season 7 of CSI, Upside Down (movie), some YouTube videos. Monday, December 24: Continued watching Season 7 of CSI up to Season 8, then watched the movie "What's Your Number?" while waiting for Noche Buena. Tuesday, December 25: Christmas! Noche Buena, then slept for a few hours, then lunch with relatives while watching an episode of CSI, and episodes 7 and 8 of The Walking Dead, which my cousin hasn't seen yet. Then I was so full that I felt sleepy and I took a nap. The nap turned into a full 8-hour sleep ...

Feeling Depressed

I am usually a positive person, and I want to live an optimistic life with all that positive thinking stuff, but it's hard to do it if a lot of things don't go your way. So yeah, this is one depressing blog post. I don't want to do this, but I am so depressed right now and I want to write it all up and hope that it helps me a bit. I've been sad before, and I know this is just temporary, but thinking about the sadness being temporary doesn't really help at all. I know I am risking that my family see this, but hopefully when they do read this it will be a few months or years into the future and we're all ok and I can just shrug this one off as a temporary thing. My family aren't that tech savvy, and I don't think anyone knows about this blog, so that's a plus point that goes toward to "them not seeing this blog post until a few years later" column. Plus, I've been raised in a family where crying is a big no-no. I can't even talk to ...